Elaine dos Santos Dantas

João Pessoa

With a broad career in law, Elaine has solid and distinguished experience in Labor Consultancy and Litigation. 



Academic background

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters of Cajazeiras (FAFIC). 

Licensed by the OAB/PB. 

Graduated in Mathematics from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). 

Attending  post graduation course in Expertise in Labor Calculations from the Labor Education Center (CETRAB). 

Specialist in Labor Law and Labor Process from the College IBMEC São Paulo –  Damásio Law Institute. 

Specialist in Administrative Law and Public Management from the Integrated Colleges of Patos (FIP). 

Specialist in Higher Education Teaching from the Gama Filho College of Fortaleza (FGF). 


Reading, music and puzzles.
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